Sanober Pardiwalla, Bollywood's most successful, multi-talented and highly skilled stunt woman who works with a strive in her heart to deliver the director's vision. Sonober has performed innumerable dangerous death defying stunts in more than 194 Bollywood Movies, Live Action Shows & Various TV Commercials.
From an early childhood, she is trained in various fields of discipline needed to pursue her goal. At the age of 12, she was a Gymnast, an excellent swimmer, a Black-Belt in Karate, along with other martial arts such as Muay Thai, Boxing, KickBoxing, Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu, with added knowledge of weapons such as rifle and pistol for sharp shooting, Broad Sword, Staff, Whip Chain and Samurai.
A Mixed Martial Artist, Sky Diver, Para Glider, Advanced Deep Sea Diver, Cars & Bikes precision driver with high speed chases & crashes, Adrenaline rushing high-flying Cable stunts & many more are her fields of unprecedented success.
Sanober Values safety as a foremost priority on every project.